Right Eye Dominant
A photography-focused podcast that delves into the creative process, and the trials and tribulations of bringing lasting value to your artwork, regardless of the medium. I will discuss a range of topics including: interviews with creators, self-publishing books and zines, great photo books, exhibitions, unsung heroes, being true to your creative self... and so much more. Hosted by Nick Tauro Jr.
Right Eye Dominant
Christian Patterson: Time To Save
American artist Christian Patterson is a master of multi-dimensional, photo-based projects. His latest book "Gong Co." is a testament to his creative and intellectual curiosity, not to mention the fortitude to work on a project that spanned almost 20 years. We discuss his journey to photography, his time in Memphis with William Eggleston, and his impressive, unique approach to photo books.
Christian Patterson website
Gong Co. at TBW Books
Gong Co. at Editions Images Vevy
William Eggleston: Eggleston Art Foundation